Who was an all around better player Pele or Maradona? And Why?
2006-04-27 00:38:55 UTC
Who was an all around better player Pele or Maradona? And Why?
Ten answers:
2006-04-27 00:41:40 UTC
Landon Donavan! Yo an American who is good at soccer !

come on now!
Big Sam
2006-05-02 16:24:36 UTC
Diego Armando Maradona, i pick him over Pele because Pele won the World Cup with several great players surrounding him whereas Maradona won the world cup surrounded by Rubbish players so you could say that Maradona won the world cup single-handedly
2006-04-27 08:01:44 UTC
No question: Pele. He never scored a hand-goal, kept himself clean from drugs, and anyway Maradona was hugely overrated, pushed up by the media. That may have been a reason (but is not an excuse), why he started taking drugs, when he could not perform as everybody expected him to.
2006-04-27 08:55:37 UTC
The best player for this time is RONALDINHO

Then comes Pele, the third is MARADONA
2006-04-27 07:41:27 UTC
Pele! Maradona was too much of a coke head.
2006-04-27 07:44:32 UTC
Pele He can be anybody's role model. He scored 1000 international goals. Its not a joke
2006-04-27 07:39:54 UTC
Pele. He was/is a role model.
2006-04-27 07:40:54 UTC
Pele cause he didnt do drugs. or did he? i get those two confused.
2006-04-27 07:41:26 UTC
maradona, just look at the goals he scored, fantastic!!!
2006-04-27 07:46:01 UTC
maradona,he is best because he is maradona

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