i wanna know why do people get leukemia in the first place.?
2006-04-24 08:00:21 UTC
tell me how people get leukemia and why is it comman in males and not offten in females?
Four answers:
2006-04-26 14:44:00 UTC
People can get leukemia, by being exposed with benzene. Benzene is found in paint, detergents, rubber, etc., that is why it is more common in males because of their jobs and there long exposure to the chemical.
2006-04-24 08:05:07 UTC
Leukemia is basiclly, cancer of the blood. Why does anyone get cancer ?
2006-04-24 08:06:59 UTC
Don't they get it in the second place too? Kidding,i don't know but a doctor might tell you.
2006-04-24 17:00:57 UTC
Maybe because Genetics .

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