who do yall think is gonna be better to coach for real madrid next?
2006-04-24 10:51:52 UTC
who do yall think is gonna be better to coach for real madrid next?
Seven answers:
2006-04-24 11:03:25 UTC
I think that the best person for the job would be Vincent Del Bosque, when he was the coach their the team was incredible. I still don't understand why they parted ways a couple of years back. I think though that the coach will be Sven Goran Erickson, which would not be a bad choice for coach at all.
2006-04-24 13:55:56 UTC
Fabio Coppelo.Arsen Vanje
2006-04-24 11:32:32 UTC
Hugo Sanchez, hands down
2006-04-24 16:57:33 UTC
Hugo Sanchez , one of the best players ( maybe the best) in all the club History .
2006-04-24 15:56:28 UTC
Anybody who can win titles.
2006-04-24 13:29:01 UTC
carlo ancloti
2006-04-24 13:57:33 UTC
wenger would be great for them, but his heart is with arsenal.

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